Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Birthday

I had the best birthday this year! I love getting all the facebook messages and the phone calls but I especially love the thoughtful gifts I received from my kids this year and wanted everyone to see them!! First, after 10 years of marrige Brent finally got me a card! And lets just say he knows me so well. I laughed so hard when I saw it and then when I opened it, it played music...twilight music...I still smile thinking about it and even now that all the cards are put away I often hear this one playing as Grace loves to listen to it!!! LOL The gift from Noah! He came home from school and just started creating. I of course was not allowed to look at it but this was the final product. What is it you ask? Well, it is our house and our family. I'm the purple fussy, Brent is green, Grace is pink and well Noah is white. It took him about an hour and all the tape but it is beautiful. When he finished it he was so concerned where I would put it...hmmmm...so many places...hehehehe
Grace was the first one to remember it was my birthday and she came out of her room with a plastic cat (she didn't want anymore) and this fuzzy. LOL She was so proud when she gave it to me.
I love being a mom. Days like this are so rewarding!

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