Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gracies Preschool Graduation

May 14, 2011
Grace graduated from preschool on May 14, 2011. It was a very sad day for me another chapter of our life over. We have been going to this school for 3 years first Noah did a year there and then Grace did 2yrs. We loved it there. The teachers were amazing and I was able to be involved regularly. We were very blessed to go to such a great preschool.

Noah was asked to hand out the programs at the beginning. He was so cute! Such a big boy!

The children sang a song about what they want to be when they grow up. Brent and I had a good laugh and I had free advertising. LOL She wants to be a Scentsy woman!!!

To the tune of farmer in the dell she sang...I make your house smell nice, I make your house smell nice..HiHo what do you know...I make your house smell nice...Scentsy woman! LOL

Grace getting her diploma. So cute!!

Afterwards she showed us all the work she had done this year! She was so proud!

Gracie's teachers, Miss Lori and Miss Celest.

Cleaning up!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thunder over Louisvill KY

For the last 3yrs we have gone down to Kentucky to watch these amazing fireworks. I believe that its the start of the Kentucky durby. It is so big and they are set off on the river (the one that separates Indiana from Kentucky) that the city closes down the freeway and bridge leading into the city. Because they do this the State police helps with traffic so we are able to stand on the closed bridge. It gives us the best view!! This year we were the closest we have ever been and it was amazing. Right in the middle of the bridge. Grace and I snuggling watching the show.

The Kids loved it!!

We brought down Brents brother Micheal and family! (Noah and Braden are best buds)

I'm sure Brent was taking videos of the fireworks the whole time. I think he watched the whole show through his phone! (He loves his new phone)

Fire works being set off on the bridge directly across from us! So cool!

Next time you are planning your trip to Indiana keep this in mind it is pretty amazing!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Surgery Day

April 15, 2011
Today was Gracies surgery, she was such a brave girl. When we arrived at the hospital we went back into our room and they had her change into the scrubs. She was so funny, she says "why are they blue...boys wear blue" We talked to the nurse and got all the paper work done. Then Grace, Star and the nurse went to check out the recovery room. She got stickers and got to push a special button. She was very excited. Grace and Star waiting to go back for surgery. In case you are wondering Star is the cat, she had her tonsils out too. The nurse was so good she gave Star a bracelet just like Graces. Grace thought the hat was funny! Then they left, Grace took the nurse by the hand and they walked back to the surgery room. I on the other hand was left in tears as I watched my big girl leave. I heard afterwards that when she got to the surgery room Grace waved to everyone. They all thought she was so cute and brave.

Watching Grace wake up from surgery was the hardest part for me. She kept waking up with a jolt and not really knowing where she was. She cried just a wee bit but once she saw me she was good. It took several hours for her to wake up. I got caught up on a good book and I gave prayers of thanks that all went well.
It is now four days after the surgery and she is doing very well. The first day she was great, begging us to give her pizza for dinner. (sorry not soft enough) Then Saturday morning she woke up crying, but it wasn't for long, and then she was good the rest of the day. Saturday she tried jumping off the couch, had to put a stop to that. Sunday she slept all day pretty much and because she did she didn't drink enough so she got a fever Sunday night. I spent much of my evening trying to bring down her fever. By about 10 she was warm but not hot so I had some ice packs (thank you scentsy) wrapped them in a towel and made a pillow with them. She slept on the ice for about 4hrs and her temperature was down by the time I checked on her again after another 4hrs. But she was sleeping sitting up! hehehe I guess she had enough of the ice pillow! Everyday she keeps getting better and better.

Thank you for all your prayers and all the love you sent our way.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Birthday

I had the best birthday this year! I love getting all the facebook messages and the phone calls but I especially love the thoughtful gifts I received from my kids this year and wanted everyone to see them!! First, after 10 years of marrige Brent finally got me a card! And lets just say he knows me so well. I laughed so hard when I saw it and then when I opened it, it played music...twilight music...I still smile thinking about it and even now that all the cards are put away I often hear this one playing as Grace loves to listen to it!!! LOL The gift from Noah! He came home from school and just started creating. I of course was not allowed to look at it but this was the final product. What is it you ask? Well, it is our house and our family. I'm the purple fussy, Brent is green, Grace is pink and well Noah is white. It took him about an hour and all the tape but it is beautiful. When he finished it he was so concerned where I would put many places...hehehehe
Grace was the first one to remember it was my birthday and she came out of her room with a plastic cat (she didn't want anymore) and this fuzzy. LOL She was so proud when she gave it to me.
I love being a mom. Days like this are so rewarding!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Noahs Birthday party

Noah is 7!!! When Noah was asked what he wanted to do for his birthday he said..."I want my friends over and I want it green, black and I want to play army" We decideded we would have a camo party. Everyone was to dress in camos (try explaining a camo party to the mothers) we had dog tags for the boys, we put camo face paint on and they would all run around outside. (I was praying for a warm dry day) So that is what we did, had about 6 boys over and they ran around shooting each other all afternoon. Brent and I sat in the sun and watched all the shooting! Grace was the only girl. She held her own.
Had green jello cake with green cool whip on top!

Here are the boys all "camoed" up, face paint and all!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas 2010

Tis the season. We were busy doing all our activities and making memories! It was a wonderful holiday season.

Noah was an angel at the church nativity. He didn't want to do it because "angels are girls" but once I explained that the angel that visited Mary was a boy, he was OK with it!

Grace was so excited to see Santa! It was so cute. I said go ahead and get in line but she was insistent that I come. She wanted a "cat groomer" she saw at Target and told everyone that is what she wanted. Well I went back the day after she saw it but it was gone! Thank goodness for Santa, he checked again after he had talked to her!!! She was sooo happy Christmas morning!
Noah wanted a Stampeed Nerf gun!!! Told everyone that is what he was getting, but I burst his bubble because I told him "NO WAY" (this gun is huge and I'm not having it take up space) I told him that Santa consults the parents as to not give anything that they don't want! Don't feel sorry for him he got his first BB gun and loves to shoot with his dad! Everyone is happy!!!
Here we are...a true redneck family!!! My husband waiting till after Thanksgiving to put up the lights. I actually think it was the second week of December! Notice the snow on the roof!!! SMART!!!
First he had to push all the snow off then he had to lay down because it was so slippery! Almost fell off once! Almost had one huge heart attack!!
We don't have any big hills on our property but the kids love to sled! It is actually ridiculous... they take the and slide on the ice of our driveway which has the slightest incline and I just laugh!
Notice Grace is hardly moving!!!
Noah faster!!!
The arrival or the Wii. Looks like Grace isn't quite sure what Noah is so excited about!
Brent is always a little nervous about what I will get him. (because I usually get him what he needs not wants) But this year he was totally surprised and he loved it!!! Good job me!
Year of barbies for Grace and of course the huge kitchen. She was so excited for Christmas this year!
Noah got Legos and a lot of them. The army ones were hard to put together. Brent took most of the morning getting them done! Noticed I said Brent not Noah!!!!
Boxing day playing the Wii! Very intense!!!
Wii!!! This is right before I started to play and hit Noah in the back of the head with the remote! And before you think I'm abusive let me explain! I was bowling, he was sitting on the floor in front of me, I was playing Brent! It was intense! I swung my arm back and as I was about to release, SMACK!!! It was so loud, he went down, I thought I broke the remote...there was a lot of crying. I did it one other time during the Christmas holiday and Noah has now learned to sit far away from me when I play.
Wanted to take picture in pjs to show Nanny!!
Kids decorated the tree this year with their dad while I was out one night. Think they did a pretty good job but most of the ornaments are around the bottom, plus all the handmade ones that I usually put on a little tree in their room, were right in front. And for once, I didn't try to fix it. Yay for me!!! It was tough!!!