Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gracies Preschool Graduation

May 14, 2011
Grace graduated from preschool on May 14, 2011. It was a very sad day for me another chapter of our life over. We have been going to this school for 3 years first Noah did a year there and then Grace did 2yrs. We loved it there. The teachers were amazing and I was able to be involved regularly. We were very blessed to go to such a great preschool.

Noah was asked to hand out the programs at the beginning. He was so cute! Such a big boy!

The children sang a song about what they want to be when they grow up. Brent and I had a good laugh and I had free advertising. LOL She wants to be a Scentsy woman!!!

To the tune of farmer in the dell she sang...I make your house smell nice, I make your house smell nice..HiHo what do you know...I make your house smell nice...Scentsy woman! LOL

Grace getting her diploma. So cute!!

Afterwards she showed us all the work she had done this year! She was so proud!

Gracie's teachers, Miss Lori and Miss Celest.

Cleaning up!